The story so far...


Ollie's first splish splash

Ollie had his first swimming lesson today with mummy. We managed to change classes so the boys are back with cam's original swimming teacher who is ace.
Ollie was the youngest by far in the class but took it all in his stride and didn't complain once. He did however manage to escape his first underwater swim by getting the hiccups so that will have to wait till next week.
Cam did great in his lesson too and was really paddling his arms. He did have a but if a temper tantrum half way through but the teacher just made him get on with the lesson rather then pandering to it and he soon forgot what he was screaming about.
The boys are true waterbabies and hopefully swimming will help Ollie sleep through the night like it did with cam. We are so nearly there with him going from 7:30pm till 4:30am without a feed.
Go on Ollie, you can do it!

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