The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Not in the moo-d...

...for yet anudder photograph just after sunrise, when big red cows need to do what big red cows do first thing in the morning after a night chewing the cud. What's more, the spectral figure of the half-naked Arnside Bigfoot had just tiptoed across the clearing where the ladies were mooching, not something any of us wanted to see.

It did give me the idea that I need to go and gather a few sacks of the ladies' organic produce to add to the compost bin and feed to the roses. Maybe something to do under the cover of darkness this next week.

Otherwise, we had a quietish day today. I have been sorting through photographs, trying to make a reduction in the vast number of shots that have accumulated on this computer since we bought it earlier in the year. I also made progress with the project of digitising Wifie's family photographs, I must say that these old photos of family events and trips to Bridlington and Scarborough are so much more interesting than my cow blips will be in 30 to 40 years time. Perhaps there's a lesson there for me.

And Sydney, look she has a few little whiskers.

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