Groundhog Day

It had all been going so well. AVB looking cool, his defence a mean machine, the star signings all with lovely hair and the strike force being supplied with multiples of chances.....

6-0 for those of you who don't follow footy may I suspect, sound like a one sided game but Spurs can hold their heads up high. That's what beheadings do - they put the shamed craniums on display way up high....

I really, after all these years, should know not to get excited about my team. I know Shammie has the same heartache with his beloved Toon army. My son, an Arsenal fanatic, managed to hold off texting me until the final whistle. He congratulated me on a fine result.... I thanked him, of course! Not quite in those words but nonetheless....

So today I give you MCC, resplendent in happiness, insistent in wearing sunglasses to protect her eyes from the grey winter skies & happily unaffected by the appalling efforts of my so called football team.


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