Life through the lens...

By ValC

Going down!

17 of us were out today, to walk from Menston, to Yorkgate, West Chevin and down to Otley and then back to Menston. 6 miles in all.

Not good for photographs as it was a very dull day. ( no rain though, and not too cold)
This shot is of our decent down a rather steep field, from West Chevin down to Otley.

Nice to meet up with everyone after two weeks.

Unfortunately MrC didn't come along as he has a rather pain full toe.
(Got out of bed in the middle of the night, and walked into the chair in the bedroom! I slept through it all so he mustn't have shouted out! How very considerate!!)
Need to get him better for a week tomorrow as he will be doing a lot of walking then and for the next few days!

Hope you have all had an enjoyable weekend too.

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