Gorgeous Girls

Such a beautiful sunny day...and a very relaxing morning at James and Elo's place... Danny was out til 3am doing City Angels, so Asha and I explored the grounds around this AMAZING house whilst the others were at their Saturday morning activities. Asha had a great time discovering chickens, sheep, pheasants, trampolines, swings from trees, playhouses etc etc... The Vision Course guys then came over and Elo gave everyone a tour of the Downton Abbey side of the house - it's like going into a time warp, it was JUST like the programs - incredible!!!
After a bust time, these 3 blipped monkeys chilled out to Peppa Pig...
J & E babysat Asha so we could go for dinner with the guys - ended up at the Raymond Blanc Brasserie in Chichester - 3 courses for £13.50 - such delicious food!

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