
By LuvU2

Disappear without your gear?

Interesting topic on our local radio station since yesterday! "Do you disappear without your gear?"

Listeners were invited to write about that part of their gear without which they feel they're disappearing! Very original entries received!

This pic is about my 'permanent gear' without which I feel like nothing!! ;-)

From L - R:

i. Chain, gift from C, many years ago.
ii. Pendant, my late Dad bought a few of these gold R1.00 coins in 1966, the year I got married! Gave my Mum one, I got one, years later he gave C, (my daughter) and M, (my son, the one half of MissU2) one each! I had two of them set in gold when C turned 21, one for her and mine, this is it!
iii. Wrist watch, gift from C&R for Christmas a few years ago.
iv. Dressing ring, which I designed and had it made for myself out of melted old jewellery pieces I had.
v. Dressing ring which my late father had made up for my 50th birthday many moons ago. He gave my mother's wedding as well as engagement ring, plus my wedding and engagement ring and had it melted to make up this ring, which I wear every day of my life.
vi. White and yellow gold earrings, in front of picture, a gift from C&R's friends who worked with R snr in Zambia and moved back here just a few months before we did, and stay just about 40kms from us now!

I wear these every day of my life, I only wear some other jewellery for very special occasions, like this for instance!!

So, I suppose, I could've written in to Radio Jacaranda to tell them that I disappear without this gear of mine ...... if I wanted to, but I didn't!! hehehe

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