Tattooed brick
I forced myself to get away from my desk and get out for a walk. This was in part thanks to an excellent podcast I heard on the radio this morning. Gardner Hamilton was invited on a Canadian show, the theme of which was street photography.
He set up the website and Facebook Page called Anyways, Gardner mentioned how it's not always easy to take a shot when you're swimming around the same fish bowl day after day.
That's certainly true for me midweek. So today, I thought, I'll go a wee walk and see what happens. I took my Tokina lens (75-300) and was happy with four or five shots from the local churchyard; a father with his kid on his shoulders as they were waiting at a pedestrian crossing; some shots of the benches framing the main roads in Stamford in preparation for the UBS parade tomorrow.
However, this one gives me the most joy.
Dang, it's so good to hold a camera again.
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