
By lucia13

Go home friends it is going to rain!

Hello blip friends!

Be Careful with the bottle of hot water . I burned myself last night. The hot bottle exploded and the boiled water go all around the bed and I burned my legs and bottom . It is like a tomato and very painful . Lucky my husband he was not in the bed yet. He doesn't want one bottle again after this bad experience for me but I like it. It is very nice for my knees . It was one accident and bacd luck . I and scalding not him. We were changing all the bedding and thankfully we had another mattress in another bed because it is soaked .

I went to the pharmacy for one cream and explained about what happened. The woman told me that the bottles are guaranteed for 2 years. I had it for 4 years. I was a silly woman again. I should check it.

Today was a grey day here and little bit cold. We went for a walk in the countryside before going to rain. I took few pictures but the sky was to grey and I don't like them. It is the most colourful pic I took . I chose these little green houses because they are the more colourful houses for pigs I saw until now.
They are so lucky . Nice houses and nice place to play around . They are very clean pigs . Suffolk pigs. very nice ...Hope you like it.
Thanks for the comments about my squirrel poser of yesterday. She is very happy with many stars and hearts you gave to her . I go to put my cream and go to bed . My bum is in pain again.
Have a nice Sunday everyone. you can smile don't worry! i will be ok.

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