
This is where I spend a good part of my afternoon. I was at the car dealership having my car maintenance taken care of. This is a blip of the customer waiting area, which they make more than comfortable. They have snacks, drinks and computers to use as well as a huge TV. That’s my red IPad sitting on the table with my black bag. Thankfully nobody turned around and noticed me taking their picture.

Still, I had to wait nearly two hours for my oil change, tire rotation etc. They do wash your car for you when they are finished so that was nice.
In other news, I went to have some blood taken today for my doctor check- up and I always dread this, as my veins do not always cooperate. They usually use that tiny little butterfly needle but this time the very confident lab technician took out a big needle and I *gasped*! I said to her that nobody uses that size needle on me. She assured me it would be fine and told me to make a fist. My heart started pounding and I held my breath while she jabbed me and got it on the first shot! I was so relieved I burst out with, “Good job!” and she in turn said “Thank you” very proudly. Maybe I just never had a good technician before!

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