Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy


Friday at last...

The working week was a tough one with the man-flu, really struggled tot make it through as it ain't shifting. However, the last hour was just ace and made it all worthwhile: I love my colleagues.

A treat meal out for the Hollows this evening in a what-the-hell-it's-what-we-earn-our-money-for type of decision. That and neither of us could be bothered to scramble together a thing from the bare cupboards. A super Indian feast where Jnr Jnr stepped up (finally) from a korma to a chicken curry. Jnr Snr is well on her way to appreciating spicy food and partook in some hot tastings of my food. I may have a spice partner after all.

Grandad called as we got back, and between sucking on her lollipop Jnr Jnr must have told him about a week's worth of random crap news in about 5 minuted without taking a breath. Letting her answer the phone is the way forward to deter callers!

I grabbed my camera and must have caught a rare moment where he got a word in edgeways.

Happy weekend peeps.

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