Strange Encounter On Glastonbury Tor

This was taken as Tess and I set off for a walk up the Tor this morning (we're keeping an eye on our friends' house again).

Near the top we encountered a couple of guys in their twenties on their way down and, having exchanged a breezy hello, we set off again, only for one of them to call me back and fix me with his "glittering eye" like some latter-day Ancient Mariner. After a few seconds he came up close, whispered in my ear " You should see a doctor soon about whatever it is that's worrying you" then turned heel and set off down the hill after his friend!

Now, as it happens, I've got an appointment with my doctor (booked a fortnight ago) in 45 minutes time as I type this for blood tests to see if she can shed any further light on my vertigo / labyrinthitis problems, so this was something of a strange coincidence. I'm not generally one to believe in fortune telling, astrology, etc but I must admit the coincidence was a little unsettling; I'm kind of hoping he goes around saying things like that to strangers to see what reaction he gets; he didn't react when I called after him to thank him and let him know about my already arranged appointment, though I like to imagine a satisfied smile playing on his lips. I'm pleased to report he didn't look anything like a grown up Hayley-Joel Osment in Sixth Sense!

Only in Glastonbury!

Get a closer look at The Tor

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