A Home From......
Afternoon all,
Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance - Francis of Assisi
Millie is going from strength to strength. Still sedated but slowly reducing. Ventilator tube coming out today, drain from her chest is out as well as a few others.....a few more to go but a much better direction we're heading in. Moving to High dependancy later;0)
And she wants juice.....purple juice with a big straw ;0)
This is Ronald McDonald House......Elder G and Mamma G stayed in it last night and they have the use till Millie either leaves or is transferred..and it's free. A place to cook, a place to eat, play areas if you've other kids and a place to sleep......an amazing place at a time of crisis and upset.
So next time your in McD 's......chuck a few extra coins in the collection tin. I never fully appreciated what Ronald McDonald House was or what it was for........till now ;0)
Now out the woods but we 're seeing daylight....and it's beautiful ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
Ps the tree at the top is for those that raise £1000+.....they get a leaf engraved with a name and message of their choice ;0)
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