
By Mariasme

Christmas Bush mono

I've been watching the Christmas Bush for a few weeks now; it's the harbinger of Christmas in Australia. The tiny flowers turn from white to red from November to December and in a week or so I'll start chopping bunches to give to my mates. (Very expensive in the shops.)

Have the whole day before me, and wanted to walk, but I don't know about the weather. Siri tells me I should take an umbrella.

Also have lots of errands to run before it gets too late, but one thing I won't be doing is cooking dinner, since we've agreed to go out for Indian in Newtown. A celebration: A is being awarded for first place in Ancient (as he calls it) [History].

So, then, first to the bank and St Vinnies to drop off lots of stuff we don't need any more. Then, with any luck, a walk in the raincoat.

Have had a reprieve from the teenage birthday party on Saturday night, so that I can enjoy a wet weekend without having to prep the homestead for the horde. Can just enjoy yoga and walk with Anne.

A is turning 17 on Saturday, but when he realised he'd have to help me clean the house, he decided that maybe he didn't want a party that much. I have bought him a Fuji camera that takes instant photos (Polaroid is dead) so that he can use it when we go to Myanmar: get to know the people and give them a momento of our meeting.

So, now to the bank.

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