
By FazerJane

Merlin cuddled up

Not such a good day today. Molly isn't very well, she has a runny tummy (to be polite about it). It's gone on for 24 hours so I rang the freephone number that came with the pet insurance for advice. They scared me out of my wits telling me about a disease that dogs get from walks in woodland, that start with diarrhea and end up with the dog dead in 3-4 days. So we've been to the vet. Thankfully he thinks this illness is unlikely, either a bug or a foreign object in her digestive system are the likely causes. She had some injections and has been very sleepy ever since, and won't eat the chicken and rice (well, she picked out the chicken!) Poor baby. If she's not better tomorrow I have to take her back - then it will be x-rays .... scary stuff. Fingers crossed.....

Merlin is fed up as his playmate won't play with him. Here he is cuddled up to Steve, the paws on the lap is a new thing. Cute.

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