Portsmouth/Motivation to Leave England
The following photographs, spanning approximately 9 weeks, track my progress on a solo bike tour of Europe and, to an extent, Africa. On my journey, I cycled ~3,000km (that's 1,864 miles or three million metres!) and passed through France, Andorra, Spain and part of Morocco.
The brief summaries you see here certainly leave out a lot of details concerning both my day to day routine (what did you have for lunch? where did you sleep? why did that man cock his shotgun at you?) and some of the more "meta" aspects of the trip (how did you navigate? why did you go? what the hell are you doing with your life?). Feel free to ask any questions.
I left home ignorant, and returned slightly less ignorant. Basic algebra implies I learned something along the way, although whether this is true or not remains to be put to the test.
Day 1
Distance: 45.51 miles, Top Speed: 31.5 mph.
A bit of a rocky start to the trip, with some pannier problems about 200m from my front door, but nothing that couldn't be fixed with an alun key.
I met three other cyclists at the ferry terminal: Sally and Yvonne, travelling as a pair, and Julian. With no cabin booked, and no seats available, I spent my first night sleeping on the floor under a table in the all night communal area.
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