With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

That sky again

in the Port. In the few minutes between getting Agu going at athletics and me cramming my exercise in, I stand in the carpark to take a quick blip[. It is quite infuriating that a few hundred metres away there is wonderful scene going on, but if I took my camera down to the beach, I'd have to bring it back to the car again and only then get going on my run / walk. So I have started to appreciate it on my own without you darling blippers. Today, the wind was howling, waves crashing and if you stopped, it was bloomin chilly. I got further up the hill towards the lighthouse as the snu had finally disappeared, back all the way round to the last fishing boat coming in and then a few laps of the circuit while Agu finished. I am very pleased that I have improved even after feeling grotty earlier this week and really actually started to enjoy the sensation of running again. It used to be one of my 'things', particularly when I was about the age the boys are now.

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