Chop, Chop, Busy, Busy...
When the alarm went off at 6am I was determined to get up straight away and attack the day.
And I did! :))
Feel as though I've got loads done. Kitchen tidied, washing up to date, blip in the bag before 8.30am then from 10am - 4pm I edited and re-sized all the new photographs that are going on Alan's eye gaze computer to get it fully up to date and functional for Christmas.
The actual machine is with the manufacturer down south and I had a list of photos to get including shots of the local area, shops, school, rooms in the house, Alan's favourite food, dvds, music, people....the list went on and on! I am so relieved it is done. Will get David to double check it later to make sure I've not forgotten anything and al being well, I can email it all to Marc, the programmer, tomorrow.
More Christmas shopping this evening but the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. I am SO determined to be organised this year.
Apologies again for my lack of comments. I am reading as many journals as I can but time for commenting is almost non-existent. Hopefully I will have more time to myself over the weekend and can have a proper catch up then.
Hope all my blip pals are well :) xxx
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