
By LeeAnne


I might have sort of bought new boots on the way home from work tonight. I also went to John Lewis and bought some velvet ribbons for them I'm not sure I'm a spotty sort but I think I may go with these for a while.

I love them!

Although I suspect I may have watched too much of The L Word!

The high heel wearing girl in me hesitated before entering the Dr Martens shop. I swithered between these and a longer pair but I think perhaps they were a bit too butch for me. I like patent leather. Shiny! Maybe I'll treat you to a heels blip at the weekend.

I came home to a lovely letter tonight... it's been typed on an old fashioned manual typewriter and it made me smile lots. Thank you lovely! x

I'm dreaming of a lie in on Saturday morning and waking up with a brain that's not fried.

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