A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Big bright shiny thing

I was determined to get a picture outdoors today and in daylight. This might not seem like it but it was only 3.15pm and being blinded by the rapidly dipping sun reminded me I might fail in my plan. So here's a slightly hurried snap of the sky.

I can claim it suits my day as so far it has been fairly varied so most things probably would. Early work call cancelled so walked kids to school before fitting in some emergency tracksuit bottoms shopping (I don't want the kids to stop growing obviously but they could take a pause for 5 minutes). Met a US expat neighbour for coffee. Worked. Wondered how to fit in another required shopping trip slightly further afield and some exercise so decided to run. Confusing, bemusing and satisfying all at the same time. Running is still in the getting harder phase but as I am a stat geek I know that I am also getting faster so that could be a simple explanation for that.

Time for a quick blip in between work, putting the kids to bed, grabbing dinner and some more work; though I shall be naughty and do it catching up with Downton Abbey (don't tell the kids).

Though apparently I need to watch some fox thing that is the new YouTube sensation.

Lesley x

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