Petty Annoyances
How many bugbears encapsulated in one photo? Ah well, it took my mind off the destination of my walk after leaving work early - a trip to the dentist and the start of a bit of necessary work, two small patch-up fillings being the start.
Anyway, so what is there in this photo to annoy so much?
1. House Development
Okay, so it's a small pain, but the car belongs to someone working on a house in the street, and it has been going on for ages. It appears to be a 'Property Ladder' type thing with two young-ish couples arriving every now and then in their Mercedes ML (Thursday's Blip kinda covers that issue) to check on the (immensely slow) progress.
To be honest, the annoyance is fueled more by...
2. Eejit Radio Boy
The owner of the car, a candidate for the missing link if it weren't for the fact that he lacks the basic intelligence to be able to grunt more than a rudimentary recollection of his own name, arrives most mornings around 7am, and sits in his car with music blaring until another workman arrives and he has someone to attempt basic conversation with, probably centred on how itchy his arse is and how many McDonalds he ate at the weekend (for he is also on the rotund side of obesity, something I've never understood amongst the active-job sector workers).
The one morning at the weekend (as he sometimes 'works' 7 days a week) that I got riled enough to go out an confront him his fellow apeman arrived as I finished lacing up my shoes and the music was halted. It isn't for long each morning, but by god is it irritating.
3. Pavement Parking
This morning I was up early to collect something form the post office, and on returning I just parked up the car in front of the house, rather than going through the palaver of reversing into the drive and meaning Mel could just pull straight away when ready for the journey to work. This meant that there was no space for Eejit Radio Boy to park outside our house, and with the street actually quite busy this morning he clearly didn't feel up to a walk of more than 30 yards to the house being redeveloped (to be fair, he's probably in danger of cardiac arrest were he to even think about the energy that would need to be expended).
And so instead the car spent the day completely blocking the pavement. It's a practice that annoys me anyway (and I've made people visiting our house shift the car off the pavement before, the street is wide enough for cars parked fully on one side of the road), but when it's this neanderthal relic the irksome nature is heightened more than a tad. Pavements are for pedestrians, not for parking.
But but but... Only a couple of days in the office left (just Mel's usual pre-holiday stress to get through, something a few lists written tonight might help with) and the dentist trip wasn't too painful (I chose no numbing-needle as my dislike of being a pincushion outweighs that of some temporary sensitive-toothness). So I'm not gettign too annoyed.
Can you tell?
(oh, and I'm finishing writing a sonnet tonight - or rather a collection of about 9 of them, depending on how they fill my word limit - seriously)
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