Suit and tie

Frequent flyers will be aware that I only generally wear a tie for big events; usually degree ceremonies. And that was the case today. I started in the office to collect gowns and colleagues and we then bimbled round the M25. Smashing ceremony followed by a chat with OU students and establishment staff over a buffet which included flapjack with chocolate. Now I have many weaknesses and this is definitely one of them so I had a couple of pieces.

Then back to the office to return colleagues and gowns and home to get some stuff completed ready for a long weekend. And as I am away this weekend and not taking loads of technology it looks likely that I'll be back-blipping when I get home. Obviously if I take anything half decent with my phone I'll share it with you hombres.

So this is a Thursday for you and a Friday for me which is a bit strange but as this weekend sees the 50th anniversary of Dr Who I suppose it is apposite that we have this minor schism in the space-time continuum. It's also the 10th anniversary of "It's back to Jonny" and lots of folk doing a happy dance in celebration so I might recreate that at some stage over the weekend. Whatever you are up to be good to yourselves, and each other, and I'll see you on the other side.

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