The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Hey, fellows, any seeds down there.....

A quick blip today at the nature reserve but for only five minutes that is all the time I could spare.

A hectic day today, I had to take my car in for a part to be repaired, "only take 30 mins" they said, "I will deliver it and wait" say's I. That was my first mistake, when I arrived, the guy said 2 to 3 hours, and me with no transport back to work, so I ended up going around the shops, and bought a 500Gb portable HD.
I found a butty wagon for breakfast, second mistake, tasted terrible and threw it away.

What is ironic is that the cars goes back to the lease company next Tuesday as it has 120,000 miles on the clock and is 6 months over the lease time.

My New car is being delivered next Tuesday. Not a Mercedes though and I'm gutted, and not an Estate, double gutted.

BTW some of Stuart and Stacey's Wedding

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