
By Stace91

Straight From The Hoarders Den

It's amazing some of the stuff people keep....
This is a lunch order I had from kindergarten. I assume it was a day where I was sick so the order was obviously never put in, why my grandmother has kept it for 16 years is beyond me.

I had a chuckle though and I have decided to keep it for a laugh, I never had a nice time in primary school but I guess it's something fun to have. Plus if my kids are oddly curious like me and ever want to know what our canteens were like I can show them, back in the day it was all about the chicken nuggets and chocolate milk... Protein and dairy ;-)

Not to mention how much cheaper things were even though it wasn't that long ago!!!

The best part about this is it has that old paper smell... Love it!!

I hope everyone is having a nice week at work, I finally got a my desk set up so I have a home now and I'm not sitting in the middle of the floor anymore :-P

Tomorrow I will have my own computer, my own keyboard, my own drawers to fill with junk energy food, and my own extension line! I belong!!

The weekend is almost upon us :-D hope you all have amazing things planned :-D xoxox

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