
4years 30days

Katie had auditions today at nursery for the nativity. The manager said that usually they just choose people for the parts but this year the children love to play stages and performing so they decided to do an audition. The children lined up and if they wanted could say what they wanted to be. Katie was very specific in her desire to be an angel. She did the relevant performing for that audition. She refused point blank to audition for Mary. She got the part of the Angel Gabriel. Monkey is the Angel Gabriel's Angel monkey.

We have swapped to Wednesday swimming lessons from this week so it was off to swimming after nursery. She's with a teacher that has done cover for Katie's aqua tots classes since she was tiny so she liked seeing Laura. It was raining when we came out so we only walked as far as the supermarket, stopped for a few bits then jumped in a taxi. She went straight to bed as soon as we got in!

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