"Naughty" ...

... Yes, they are - they shouldn't be there, and they're having a lovely time in amongst a wheat farmer's crop, all ready to harvest it is too...

...He won't be impressed I'm sure seeing that many Emus out there flattening and eating his crop...with a few more further up along the fence..

...It looks like they've flattened the fence there somewhere to get in, but ofcourse fences don't mean a lot to Emus, if they want to get in - they will, and they'll kick the fence down which is why they're not terribly popular at times with the cereal and cattle farmers.

...I remember helping John to mend the fences years ago, where the emus and kangaroos had pushed them over, the kangaroos are pretty good at flying over the fences or crawling underneath, as they're so strong - wire doesn't mean much, depending on the gauge though, or if it's netting and high - and Emus, well they're just downright headstrong..

...This was taken about 2 hours away from where we live - on our way down to Adelaide today and there they were having a lovely time, and when we stopped the car, they came slowly running over to see what we were up to and whenever a big semi-trailer went by - off they'd run again flat out out into the paddock, then when it had gone - back they'd run again..to strut their stuff and show off - they're inquisitive animals, proud, aggressive and interesting ..

...They knew I was on the other side of the fence -.and, try and catch me! Naughty..

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