Sweet little Elliot...

NO! Not sweet at all! Firstly he threw up this morning, he did get a bit of sympathy though... But what followed is unforgivable!!

Just to set the scene, we're having a lazy day, I'm wearing a zip up hoody, Elliot is very cuddly and wants to be carried lots....

There was a knock at the door, the Amazon parcel man! Hurrah, I thought! Poor little Elliot want's to come with me to answer the door so I'm carrying him. I answer the door and have a friendly little chat with the familiar Amazon delivery guy.
Me "Hello!" he holds out the palm pilot thing I need to sign (one handed as I have Elliot)
Him: "That's it love, sign there" hands over parcels. I accept with empty hand.
Me "Sorry, it's that time of year again, you'll be seeing a lot of me!" with that Elliot whips down the zip on my top, I have 4 parcels balancing in one hand, Elliot in the other, I try to lean to the side to put Elliot down but he decides to hold on to my top revealing my boob, everything in my head is screaming drop the parcels, cover yourself up but my arm isn't coordinating with my brain, I'm leant over with everything on show making a noise that sounds something like "Merrrrrrrrn heerrrrr" whilst delivery man is just standing there wide eyed. I finally just drop everything and yank my top up to which matey says "Well, I didn't realise you meant that when you said I'd be seeing a lot more of you" cue a wink...
I had 2 choices, now I have 2 hands free do I grab the palm pilot and launch it as far as I can behind him to stop him looking at me or slam the door... I slammed the door, then apologised through the letter box...

I have cancelled all future orders from Amazon.

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