
By Veronica


I had to go out to pick up the supermarket shop today (gosh, I love this Drive system where you fill your basket online, then book a slot to pick it up when it's convenient for you). So I drove via Notre Dame de la Consolation in order to admire the view from the top. You get a wonderful view over the expanse of vines on the surrounding plain, especially in autumn. It's less spectacular than it used to be, because so many vines have been grubbed up and replaced with ... nothing. I was pleased to see that someone had recently planted an olive grove though.

None of the photos I took were spectacularly good, so I ummed and ahed over a selection of OK ones. The Blip Assistant's casting vote was for this one; I like the variety of shapes and textures, and it's a good small-scale representation of the landscape. Also the clouds are nice.

Bad news on the Macbook front: the shop in Toulouse quoted 400-500 euros to repair it :( It's definitely not worth spending that kind of money on it, so I'm just going to keep on using it until the screen packs up altogether, while saving up for a new one.

Edit: this day last year, one of my favourite Begur blips. ------>

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