
Woof! Now this is the thing... I want Bluebellsea to throw my ball, so I can chase it, 'kill it' and bring it back to her to show off my prize. So far so good - but then I want her to throw it again, so I can feel the thrill of the chase once more! Trouble is, this means that I actually have to relinquish my prize to Bluebellsea in order for her to throw it, and as a terrier I'm not comfortable with this. I want to keep hold of the ball at all costs you see, and my instinct is to not let her anywhere near it. Whenever her hand gets within a centimetre of it, I reflexively snatch it away. We both get very frustrated with this. I want her to throw it. My mind is willing to relinquish it to this end - however my body just won't let me! There is only one thing for it, and that is for Bluebellsea to outsmart me by distracting me for a second and snatching it away! (You should see her move!!) I'm not overjoyed with being outsmarted, but if it means I don't have to voluntarily give up my prize, then it's the lesser of two evils and I'm okay with that! Do any of you other Blip Terriers have this dilemma, or is it just me...? Woof!
Alfred Dog :-)

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