Day Today

By Feathers14

Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Rock Puns

Axel, Ben and I were some of the first to arrive at the beach, even beating the kit van, so we decided to kill some time by seeing if we could hit a rock by throwing stones. Then it escalated to seeing how far we could throw the HUGE rock. Turns out that when everyone else arrived we got a bit distracted trying to throw it as far possible. This lead to many funny failed attempts and some excellent video clips on Axel's camera.

A group broke off and, due to surf's obsessions with this song , built a factually-accurate miniature version of Stonehenge! Quite impressive. This picture is of the three mavericks who decided to fashion it. Left-to-right we've got Kate, Chris and Tab.

Eventually we had to pack up, give back the wetsuits and pile in to the vans for a looooong ride back to campus. Anna gave birth to the newest member of surf, Bryony, we advised some members of campus that their journey may indeed be sped up if they acquired a horse and Julian introduced a bus stop full of people to the idea that floor-bhajee and milk go quite well together.

An absolutely knackering trip but I had a blast.

It felt good to be back in bed.



I like this portrait - Chris is so tall!!!!

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