
By tookie

Droplets on Grasses

Again I blipped our Japanese blood grasses because the drops were plentiful. Have done them several times, but I tried to do a bit of a differing presentation here.

Tomorrow early I fly out to my niece's wedding in Alexandria, Va. I'm excited to see her and other members of Big R's side of the family. I'll be the sole west coast representative. And it's the first I've flown since the knee replacements and foot and rotator cuff issues. I hemmed and hawed about whether or not I should go...but decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Clare ---Just do it. I've lined up a WC portal to portal and have a non-stop flight set up. Packing light so as not to have much to deal with....of course the smaller camera is coming! I'll be gone until Sunday so no posting until next week. Bon Voyage to me and have a safe and good week blipper friends!

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