Bit chilly out .....
I realise I have blipped the boats on the Avon before but I really like them ... Not being IN them,just looking at them.
Chilly dog walk this morning but sunny so that's good ... Then Mr W and I went to the theatre coffee shop to meet my mum and uncle bob .. After a tasty Danish pastry I took Mr W for his first ever trip to POUNDLAND !! Thinking he would detest it I left him and went in search of the crap I needed only to find him over excited by the checkout with two items he clearly could not live without .....
Then we shopped for stuff for Eve.. She had a list from school with things she needed for her costume for the school production of Oliver.
Home .. Ironing then another dog walk .. I took the poorly Tits McGee with me but she really was not well .. I thought he sun and clean air would help but she went a bit pasty so I threw a dog ball at her and Pepe fell in a hole.
I have been in my PJs since 5pm.
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