The Lone Goosander

Caught this wee lady this morning. I had originally stopped just to try and capture the waterfall but she appeared from nowhere just begging me to blip her.

The Goosander is a medium-sized duck and a member of a group known as the 'sawbills' after their long, narrow bills with saw-like 'teeth' which are good for gripping fish. A long, streamlined bird, the Goosander is perfectly shaped for swimming after fish. Goosanders are gregarious birds, forming flocks of thousands of birds in some parts of Europe. A white diving duck, the male Goosander has a dark green head, a black back and a long, red bill with a hook at the tip. The white sides and breast sometimes have a pink glow. As you can see this one is grey with a gingery or rufous brown head and a white throat and is female.

My lense wasn't "BIG" enough so I wasn't able to "Zoom in" enough to get a great close hint hint I may need a bigger one from Santa!

You will all be pleased to hear the The Boy's "Missing Jacket" was handed into Lost Property at Williamwood HS.


p.s. we had a sprinkling of snow this morning!!

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