
By Dotty

Lovember: Focus

It's a bit, OK very, tenuous but otherwise it was a shot of my increasing pile of scribbles which have somehow miraculously transformed themselves into a semi-coherent stream of 800 words. I've lost focus now and sensed the 'yada yada, blah blah' tone creeping in which means I need to take more than a 5 minute break, enjoy some well-earned distraction and go back to it after work tomorrow. Still, it was very lovely while it lasted.

And I introduced my FB OU group to playing Famous Five today. What larks! We are not quite at the "the jolly farmer's wife was known all over the county for her soft pillowy baps" level, but I'll get them there. They'll thank me for it one day.

Just for the weather record: the grass didn't defrost at all today. I feel warmer climes beckoning.

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