From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

And the bobble hat series continues!!!

As promised for EmmyHazyland and Ripitup Herbert in a hat!!!

Now you'd think photographing a tortoise with a hat on would be easy, you would be wrong, Herbert is like a whippet ok not quite but he can move, every time he moved the hat fell off!!! I was at one point considering using blu tack. Patience paid off in the end though and I got my shot!!!

Busy day has been had lots of people coming and going this morning, finally had the chimney swept, which early long over due gathering from the sparks flying out of it the other night!!

Then this afternoon had friends came over for lunch, which was lovely. Now I am shattered to many late nights and burning of candles at both ends!! Ok who am I kidding one late night and 2 nights at 11pm can't do it like I used to!!!

:))) x

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