Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Chimps in the wild!

We arrived today at Queen Elizabeth National Park where there is electricity and wifi !!! ( and there was some paved road to get here for a change). So many stories to tell but I only have energy and time for 1 blip tonight. Are these 2 juveniles not the cutest kids? We did our chimp trek in kibale forest this morning-walked for over an hour without seeing any and were beginning to think we would be the 5% that don't sight any. Then our guide found this group of 5 high in the trees. These 2 youngsters were playing and swinging all over from branch to branch in their favorite fruit fig tree. They look to be a similar age so our guide thot there must be 2 mothers near -there were 2 young females grooming each other--- or they could possibly be twins. There are at least 5 groups in this area - over 1500 chimps- 2 groups for research, this one has 110 members. After we watched these for awhile our guide heard from another guide ( cell phones have revolutionized this kind of trekking) with the other half of our group that they were with a huge group - they saw maybe 50 run by them! So we thot we'd go find them too . Little did we know it would take an hour and a half of trekking through thick jungle forest up and down, sometimes on paths, sometimes not, some big mud patches .... Of course by the time we got there they were mostly gone . But we saw a few and 3 different monkeys. What a thrill to see in their natural habitat!
After a lunch in a traditional home with traditional food, there was another 3 hour swamp walk planned but most of us that already walked for 4 hours opted out - it was raining as every afternoon-and that sauna and a bit of relaxing for a change sounded too good! Candlelight dinner and then finally a good night's sleep. Will write about Ndale lodge when I can manage to back blip the day before sometime..... Lots to say about that day.. Good night!

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