Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

snow way! yes way.

in largesse

A strange sensory experience came to pass today.

I went for a long walk up the road in the snow, like any smart-thinking person with a camera and time to kill would do.

The road was quiet as most of the normal people were at work. I was probably the only person for a couple of kilometres around. Engrossed in my music and with the light becoming diffused by the incoming clouds I sunk back into my brain and swilled things about; I wonder if I actually put that slow cooker on before I left, would be a waste of a glass of wine if I didn't, it took some will power to pour it into a pot of lukewarm beef in the first place, instead of my gob, I guess it was a bit early, though, but what is early, on a day off...?

I noticed that the air was getting palpably chillier and as I emerged from my inner dialogue (yes, dialogue!) it suddenly felt as if I'd walked through a cloud of perfume! I hobbled to a halt and looked around. Nobody. Not a soul in sight, apart from the horses in the adjacent field.

I smelled my jacket. Nope. It can't be the horses, surely, Jesus! Is this some sort of sick, psychological trick due to times of extended ennui and solitude? It passed, to my relief. And I carried on.

And then again, whaaft.

I stood still, a car came by without slowing and made me jump, the smell disappeared.

It came back with a change of wind and then I saw chimney smoke from the house down the road oozing out into the cold, blue sky above the ridge...

...peat smoke, I'm a genius.

I thought I was turning into flippin' Derek Acorah.

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