
Only 118 days left for us expats to enjoy our second home.
Lulu shuts up and moves on in March, it will be a sad, sad*day for us Ausländers, many of us met there, brought together by a common language and a desire to party!

Met a guy called Waldemar today, he's going to construct a handrail for our outside steps, after six winters here we've finally recognised the fact that the steps can be a little bit slippy at times and therefore dangerous. What tickled me about the guy though was the pronunciation of his name, in German a W has a V sound, making his name very Harry Potterish, he didn't turn up on a broom stick though, so I guess I'm safe.

Got the car ugglied for winter too, winter wheels are ready to roll, bring on the snow and ice!

* possibly very drunken too, although that kind of depends on how much alcohol is left behind the bar by then...

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