Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Girl in the Bubble

This is not the best of shots as it was taken with my little point and shoot that lives in my handbag (oh I wish I had the other) and it best sums up the highlight of my day which was going to watch Empire in the Spiegeltent. What a great show it was. There were acrobats, jugglers/balancers, roller skaters, and raunchy funny acts. I loved it. This girl did splits and other excruciatingly painful looking manoeuvres in this bubble suspended from the ceiling meanwhile bubbles floated down. A work colleague's husband was called up on stage and in very good humour took all the advances by the woman actor.

My week is now shaping up to be out each night and the santa photos start this weekend. I am not going to have much time for blipping and I haven't caught up as I hoped to so just for a while I am going to turn off comments so I don't feel too guilty. Thanks for the comments stars and hearts on this last week. I am sorry I haven't thanked you individually but I do really appreciate them all.

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