Because this is who I am

By Brighde


I lost 3 1/2 pounds this week, that means 9 pounds in total.

Honestly, if I was locked away in a tower with only my laptop and 4 seasons of Downton it would take me ages to realize I was up there.

Yesterday was good, we've got underway with our figure project. I'm making a sort of abstract embracing sculpture of two separate points interweaving. Clay's a bitch, that I know for sure. She sags and cracks, gets holes, is too think or two thick! Explodes in the kiln or shrinks when glazed. I don't honestly know how I'm supposed to have to patience.

Just before it began to snow, which made me feel VERY festive. I'm putting my tree up on saturday and you can't get angry with me because I don't care that it's not december or it's 'too early' because it isn't. Its the festive seasons, all the christmas adverts have come out and I'm a celebrity is on so its definitely time for the tree, plus it looks nice.

Happy Blipping

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