Day 9 - Kyoto

A later start after yesterday's exertions. Bus down to Kyoto Station which is an odd tourist destination in it's own right. Never had a proper look around on arrival two days ago, so had breakfast there today and gawped at the vast scale of it. Very impressive and hard to both describe and capture the size of it (pic in the 'folio to give you an idea). Escalators to the top floor and did the 'skywalk' across the top.

Bus from there to downtown Kyoto for a look at Nishiki Market - full of unusual foodstuffs and fascinating to walk around. Added more items to the souvenir and gift collection and stopped for lunch in a market cafe - delicious teppan fried noodles for me, and a Japanese pancake stuffed with spring onions and egg for Mrs DP. Yum. Another bus from there (getting value out of our pass!) to the start of our third walking tour, taking in the final area of Kyoto to be covered. First stage was up a steep hill to... another temple / shrine, but the legs coped. Hordes of tour groups joined us at the top - hundreds converging in packs, taking pictures of everything. The ones pictured were even taking pictures of the others taking pictures, which means I was taking a picture of them taking a picture of another taking a picture... I think... bless 'em.

Anyway, a short walk away were picturesque streets without the tour groups, and I think we both got more pleasure from ambling along them than visiting the umpteen temples and shrines - the guidebook did warn that you could OD on them. The sun was setting by now, the lights were coming on and it was all very atmospheric. Stopped for a rest in a park and watched the world go by as our legs recovered. Continued to the end of the walking tour - another 5km covered.

Dinner in a "yakitori" restaurant (meaning grilled skewers cooked on a BBQ inside) recommended by the guide. Chose a selection and had the usual cold beer. Great atmosphere, great food, and as usual the bill was about £20 for both of us. Walked into Gion from there for one last walk around the streets where Geisha reside (but none seen tonight), quick coffee to round the day off, and back on the bus to the hotel - lots of use of our bus pass today!

We leave Kyoto tomorrow to return to Tokyo. A very pleasant few days spent in this city, scratching the surface to reveal glimpses of old Japan. Bullet train back at 10.30am, for our last night here.

And I already have a fair idea of what tomorrow's blip will be - can't wait!

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