Cosy Corner

Phew, what a full on day. It started off with our course leader giving us all a Bible text and 30 minutes to come up with a 5 minute 'preach'. Challenging but great... Had to all speak and then be fed back to, 2 good points, 1 improvement point.
Then had a couple more sessions, the last one was on the Holy Spirit...the guy teaching kept referring to the Spirit as 'she' which intrigued me. Asked him afterwards if it was because of the idea of Mother/Father God which he said in part it was, but actually it was because in the greek, spirit is pneuma which is a feminine word...and actually back in the day, it was known it was feminine. However because at the time there were loads of pagan godesses, translators changed the word to be masculine to distance themselves from paganism!! Amazing that it's been so changed! It's really given me a deeper more rounded view of the person of the Holy Spirit, and also the Trinity seems much more...balanced... especially as we're made in the image of God, male and female, therefore God MUST have a lot of femininity in Him... So so interesting, it's really given me food for thought...

(Oh and this was just the corner I was meeting Danny on tonight, hadn't taken any pics all day, but thought it looked cosy!)

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