Pheasant Feathers
More fascinating in large ("L").
I wandered through The Covered Market on my way back from lectures as I haven't blipped the market for ages... On getting there, I realised that I'd brought a strange combination of lenses: I had the macro mounted, and the long lens in my bag. Hum, that wasn't planned. Normally I leave the 24-70mm mounted (my "walkabout lens"), and choose what else'll be in the bag. Obviously the tiredness is getting to me...
Oh well, that made me think laterally, so I started looking for macro subjects in the market. It is always pretty dim in there, so I looked for well-lit spots.
What I found always fascinates me, but it always feels bittersweet and rather morbid: game hangs outside some of the butchers, and pheasants seem to be the favourite... Poor things: they're stunning creatures. I always admire their plumage as I pass, so made one my blip for today.
For an uplifting ending, take a look at the silly but splendid pheasant on Christ Church Meadow that I blipped previously, or Mr. Goosle and one of the fledglings from last year (not long before he chased them off).
p.s. Eep, Spotlight three days in a row!? Thank you so much: I'm finding Blip and photography such a wonderful balancing interest in my potentially rather unbalanced life in Oxford...
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