Birthday dress

4years 28days

This is Katie's birthday dress. From last year! She decided she wanted to wear it today. It's probably not far from the 'grown out of' pile, but I think when you're 4 and you have a pink monkey dress with zoo animals on the other side, I guess you're likely to try get the most use possible from it. Her criteria in choosing her dress though was more extensive than "which do I like" - it had to match her new boots. It's the first 'big girl' boots she's had, so she's extremely proud of them.

She scooted to nursery today and is getting more and more confident, having found her balance on the two wheels quickly. When we got to nursery, it was already outside time and they were all chatting about their costumes for the Party Day tomorrow. She is very excited!

It was a short day at nursery for her, late drop off and I picked her up early afternoon. We got a taxi into town and did some shopping for more fabric that I needed. We also stopped for cheese straws and a babyccino before we went to the bike shop. We looked at new bikes for her and bought her a new helmet. It wasnt until we got the helmet out the box later on that we realised it has a flashing light on the back of it. Oh boy did that impress her.

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