
By astudyinscarlet


indeed, back from the dead - this very lovely pelargonium that i blipped several times last year and which was absolutely covered with flowers constantly, died the death a few months back - dead twigs sticking out of the pot. so i dumped it out into a corner of the garden reserved for dead things and bought new ones for the pot. but i happened to look at the corner of the garden reserved for dead things recently and found that the dead pelargonium had revived itself and was regrowing, sprouting from the roots. i never knew they did that, i thought, and hastily found a pot and a handful of compost. now it's revived enough to flower again.

there's a metaphor for life in there somewhere, i think - things thought dead, when left alone to heal, can come back again; perhaps not the same but bloody good nonetheless. it has taken nagging and a third-party crisis, but funnily enough we're in a good spot. ta, pet.

btw, if you haven't had a chance to check out my little garden helper, he's very sweet...

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