
The colors of this caught my eye as I was out walking with Jewelz. I had felt slightly fed up that it was already dark (4:30) before I got to take Jewelz out but then if it had been light this wouldn't have captured my attention!

It's been an ok kind of day although earlier I felt as if I hadn't achieved anything. Started off with my ears and head not being happy with loud noise. Which was a pity being that the sound system in church was blaring out and the very nice lady beside me was doing her utmost to compete!! Then a spot of Christmas shopping. Home for brunch at 2:30 which wasn't really finished till 4:30 when Jewelz and I went out. Back home I did manage to sit for an hour and think about what I'd be teaching this week. Had a conversation with a man who is coming to fix my fridge freezer :) Then out to youth group where we built the tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows! :). Now happy to be home and determined not to think of work!!! :)

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