Slowly does it
Slow day today all round. I'm only posting this collage to make it look like I had such a busy day I couldn't possibly choose one shot. So, a little guide to what we have here:
- papers. Well, it's Sunday. Bought, read and tidied before 12 noon, a record for me I think. Not as good as the guy I met in the paper shop at 9 who'd already read the two papers he has delivered and had popped in for a couple more. I should have taken the hint that that meant there was nothing much in them and picked up the whole bunch.
- card index file. I have a lot of movies taped off the telly over the years. They, and all the pre-recorded ones we've bought are carefully catalogued in this file and its accompanying P-Z volume. I had plans for my afternoon, so was looking for a movie the kids hadn't seen before to give them a break from the playing nicely/playing roughly/fighting/crying/slamming doors cycle they can get into on days like this. They ended up with 'An American Tail' which they loved and lead to some interesting discussions on politics, religion and emigration. (Ok, one short conversation. Oh, ok, a short monologue from me to try and assuage my 'everything must be an education' guilt, accompanied by mostly just puzzled looks and, tellingly, no questions from the audience.)
And yes, I am very anal about some things (like alphabetising CDs and books) but feel I balance it by being wholly disorganised and rubbish about pretty much everything else.
- Mr B ages ago said I could have his lovely big fast desktop. At the time I'd thought it was to be a straight swap for my rubbishy old laptop, but he's since bought a wee notepad computer - so now I get to have two computers at once! Of course once I'd moved the big computer (and dusted it, cough cough, must dust his study for him once in a while, poor fella) there was a lot of maintenance work to do. Mr B doesn't believe in anti-viral software, firewalls all that kind of stuff. He's also not convinced you ever need to update software. He's probably a bit right, but anyway, it's all updated and protected now. And has PSE loaded (since I realised that you can put it on two machines on one licence).
One problem that has come to light with this set up is that I can't see the telly. The big screen is great... but I could see the telly over the laptop screen. Might have to rearrange a bit tomorrow! (Though hopefully there won't be so many endless blue whirling circle moments to fill in with telly watching.)
- Dinner. Shepherd's Pie. With sneaky parsnips grated into the filling. If I keep going at this rate, soon I'll be able to give them grated parsnip, carrot and courgette in meat stock and pass it off as bolognaise....
So, having managed to get a very excessively long write up out of a pretty much nothing day, I'll leave you with a joke.
"Three economists and three mathematicians were going for a trip by train. Before the journey, the mathematicians bought 3 tickets but economists only bought one. The mathematicians were glad their stupid colleagues were going to pay a fine. However, when the conductor was approaching their compartment, all three economists went to the nearest toilet. The conductor, noticing that somebody was in the toilet, knocked on the door. In reply he saw a hand with one ticket. He checked it and the economists saved 2/3 of the ticket price.
The next day, the mathematicians decided to use the same strategy- they bought only one ticket, but economists did not buy tickets at all! When the mathematicians saw the conductor, they hid in the toilet, and when they heard knocking they handed in the ticket. They did not get it back.
Why? The economists took it and went to the other toilet."
From this site about economist jokes.
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