Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Geography lessons

So today I sort out four big bags of clothes that I no longer need, most of them perfectly serviceable and now sitting by the front door waiting to go to the clothes bank. Meanwhile in the Philippines there are people who are desperately in need of food, shelter and clothing. But as the Washington Post pointed out, this isn't about generosity its about logistics and the chaos of communication following a disaster that makes the prioritisation and practical delivery of aid so difficult.

I wonder how many warehouses and in how many strategically placed points of the globe and full of what? would it take for the world to be prepared for major disasters. Can we ever be ready? Or is our role just to watch as the wheels start to slowly grind against the momentum of calamity? And is this "normal" or is it really related to climate change?

Our day was a bit of a grind too. But on the theme of global geography there was one funny moment as The Dizzle recounted going out to eat with his girlfriend's family the previous night.

What did you eat?
Really? What did you have?
Curry? That's not Lebanese.
Yes it is. We were served by gherkins or whatever you call them.
Gherkins ... Do you mean Ghurkas?
Yes that's it.
That's a Nepalese restaurant not a Lebanese restaurant.
What's the difference?
Well, apart from anything else, Israel never invaded Nepal.

Maybe geography should be pushed back up the national curriculum ...

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