Thank you letters!

First, many thanks for all your kind words and lovely greetings on my 3rd blipday - you made me and my journal feel very special.

It's now back to the clutter-clearing process. Now that this toy is photographed it can go. It dates back over half a century when I played with it a lot as a child. The toy was 'ahead of its time' in that the letters are lower-case. Most alphabet toys of that era used capital letters.

The play board has slats into which tags on the back of the letters will slide. The board is pocket-sized, and has a few short slats on one side, and one longer slat on the other side - hence the photoshopped picture. It is also marked with my 2-3-year-old pencillings - obviously attempting to write letters! I remember being frustrated that the board only allowed space for short words. Letters always interested me more than numbers - and the same goes today.

But its swan song is to spell out a very big THANK YOU again for all your visits this weekend and over the past three years.

PS It's interesting to notice that all the yellow letters are mishapen. I can only think that there's something in the dye that caused early plastic to distort.

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