
By briocarioca

The moon, of course

Naturally, had to try for a moon shot, with a tripod lent by a friend. Catching first one finger, then the other, in the tripod didn't help the timing. Efforts to scrub the blood out of my white trousers lead to spattering them with more blood from the second wound. Perhaps I'm just too accident-prone for photography. An occupation that involves less mechanical prowess is indicated.

The half day I spent at home in order to work (and keep the dogs company), rather than golfing, was naturally spent looking at other people's blips - endlessly enjoyable, and totally non-productive, workwise. Then met up with friends for a long, late lunch, and back to the club, after a brief spell at home to greet and walk dogs, for a 'despedida' - farewell party for yet another couple that's leaving. Why do people have to go away just when one has got to know them and really enjoy their company! I'm really going to miss these two - one from Columbia, one from Venezuela, and heading for oil hub Houston.

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