
By CaroBeck

Dusk at the Yorkshire sculpture park

I start interviewing this morning for my Stig programme, always a nervy time, but it goes really well and I set off at lunchtime to the Yorkshire sculpture park to go and see the opening of Angie Lewin's exhibition. I've been visiting the park for probably twenty years, and its gone from an outside gallery to a stunning landscape where works are displayed in that peerless rolling countryside. The eighteenth century park has been restored, silted up lakes dredged and revived and views across the land opened up. Jane, Di and I set off at dusk around the lake, out eyes adjusting slowly to the receding light levels. Flocks of garrulous crows wheeled in the purpling sky, alighting on trees and then taking off as we walked underneath. As the moon rose above the trees the sky in the west became bright pink. Our hearing became acute, and the crows amplified in sound, laughing at us raucously as we slithered in the mud. By the time we got back to the building, it was pitch black.

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